Funeral Costs in the Newcastle and Maitland
The cost of a funeral varies. Generally, the overall price depends on the requests made by the family, and the quality and style of items selected.
An estimate of funeral charges and disbursements will be provided to you by your Funeral Arranger once the family’s instructions have been given.
The matter of cost should be discussed openly and honestly with your Funeral Arranger. If you think you may have difficulty paying for the funeral, there are many options that your Funeral Arranger can discuss with you. For example, you may be eligible for benefits from various community services; the deceased may have made provisions in their Will; or you may be eligible to access Superannuation or financial assistance from Government agencies.
Your Funeral Arranger can provide you with the appropriate information and contact the relevant parties regarding your eligibility for assistance.
The Funeral Director’s Account Is Usually in Two Sections:
Fry Bros Charges
These fees cover professional expertise in assisting families. It includes overheads necessary to serve the public in a professional manner and the provision of infrastructure required to provide these services.
Disbursements represent any payment made by Fry Bros on behalf of the family, such as payments made to the florist, celebrant or minister, organist, newspaper, and the like.